Adding policies- Digital Transformation with IBM API Connect


What are policies? Policies are pieces of configurations that invoke a specific type of action (depending on the type of policy) on a message. There are Built-in policies that come pre-packaged in the APIC solution.

Verification- Digital Transformation with IBM API Connect


It is important that you perform some basic verification of the LTE installation that you just completed: apic-lte-win_10.0.1.5.exe status This will give the following output: Figure 4.4 – LTE environment status results 2. You can

Installing the LTE- Digital Transformation with IBM API Connect


One of the vital requirements of a development-friendly platform is its ability to support local/desktop-based testing. The APIC platform meets this critical requirement by providing a local runtime execution environment called LTE for you to

Developer Portal – Digital Transformation with IBM API Connect


Once you have configured your carefully planned out Provider Organization, Catalogs, and spaces, you can technically begin developing and publishing your APIs and products. Although you might be tempted to jump right into this, there

API Catalogs – Digital Transformation with IBM API Connect


An API Catalog is a component within your Provider Organization that provides a logical partition within your Provider Organization as well as the Developer Portal and the gateway executing the APIs themselves. This logical separation